Solve your swing concerns in a single hole!

15-minute field lessons with Golteen

Golteen is here for you

For any frustrations you experience on the course

Is there a way to make money besides being a player or running an academy?


I want to take on-field lessons from pro, but it's too expensive.


Golteen offers everything from lesson requests to feedback

Solving your swing problems within 15 minutes

No need to worry when your swing doesn’t work on the course. Golteen has you covered.


Start your real-time golf lesson journey with

Golteen and improve your swing life!


Complete the process from lesson request to feedback

in just 15 minutes.


Get customized lessons tailored

to your play.

With just one video, you can easily receive affordable lessons that can be applied directly on the course.


Easy and Fast

Easy lesson application


Enjoy at an amazing price

One-point lesson


When you apply for a lesson

Get your solution in just 15 minutes!

Your coach can guide you to a better swing anytime, anywhere, in their own style.


Start your real-time golf lessons

with Golteen Pro.


Lessons at any time and place,

at the coach's convenience.


Flexible and pressure-free lessons

that you can choose from freely.

Solve your swing concerns within one hole!

15-minute field lessons with Golteen

GolteenScan the QR code to install now!

GolteenProScan the QR code to install now!